I was recently at the National Gallery in Washington, DC and I was amazed at how quickly my brain flashed back to the first time I saw that very same Alexander Calder mobile hanging in the center of the gallery, exactly as I remembered, thirty years ago.
Children remember everything, especially in color, and if there is a way to plant an art seed in the beautiful bitty brains of our future humans then pass the trowel and watering can.
I was gift hunting for something super special for my number one babas, my niece and my godson. I wanted a beautifully colored work on paper that was large enough to hold a wall, with fun letter references that would be interesting for adults and visually appealing to children. Being an art advisor and visual animal, I knew exactly what I wanted, alas, I couldn’t find anything that wasn’t cookie cutter or overpriced. Thus, The Letters NYC was born.
Art is meant to be fun- to expand your mind and take your eyeballs off of the screen and away from the daily race that we all run. Don’t put pressure on it. Appreciate it for something that we, art enthusiasts, cannot create. And if your ‘kid could do that,’ then for heaven's sakes, give them some colors and paper!
Special thank you’s to my nearest and dearests who spent the time, shared their thoughts, lent an ear (or an eyeball), and gave it to me straight. Of course to the brilliant and oh-so-talented artist, Pauline de Roussy de Sales. Without you this would not be possible. Quite literally.
I hope you love the prints as much as we do!